Laura McGraw Fitness 360: Survivor Strong
Laura McGraw has a twice-fused spine, but strength training
helped her rebuild it. Follow her training, nutrition, and supplement
plan to see how she won the 2012 Transformation Challenge!
Dustin Lapray
Dec 20, 2012
Laura McGraw
is no stranger to hard work. A busy mom with three kids, she's been in a
handful of major car accidents that complicate her recovery and
training. Even so, Laura followed
Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer, pushed it hard in the gym every day, and won the
2012 Optimum Nutrition $100,000 Transformation Challenge.
Follow her plan. You could be the 2013 champion!
Laura's Transformation Story
Name: Laura Conway-McGraw
Age: 42
Height: 5-foot-4
Weight: 128 lbs, 112 lbs contest
Education: Graduate Degree
Occupation: Mediator, Photographer
Contest History: Winner $100,000 Transformation Challenge Optimum Nutrition and 2012
Athletic Background: Collegiate soccer, cycling
Ultimate Goal: There is no finish line.
Super Powers: Determination, will, and hard work.
You wouldn't know it to look at me now, but I broke my back in one of
a handful of car accidents. Surgeons fused my spine and three weeks
later I got in another car accident that broke it again. Between spinal
fusions, I built so much muscle in my abs that nurse had to pull my abs
back to fuse my spine the second time.
Eight years after the first wreck, after four minor surgeries and two
major back surgeries, my back still wasn't right. So, I headed off to
the gym to see if I could make it stronger myself.
To understand how I bounced back from the depths of despair to not
only start working out but win this contest, you need to understand a
little about my background. I grew up in England, watching my father
train for football (you call it soccer). He played 10 years for Fulham
and two for Manchester City.
His ethics gave me an early appreciation for the power of a good
workout. Each morning he'd wake up and head off for a run. He did
sit-ups in the living room, too. My father was the kind of athlete who
didn't necessarily go to a gym every day, but he worked out every day. I
made a mental note of his discipline.
Laura McGraw didn't use supplements before the 2012 Transformation
Challenge. Now, she supplements with a smart, effective, no-nonsense
Laura McGraw knows how important clean nutrition is to great results.
Check out her delicious, nutritious, simple nutrition program!
Laura McGraw likes lifting and cardio both. Here's the plan that helped her win the 2012 $100,000 Transformation Challenge!
Perhaps influenced by my father, I'd play soccer with the boys. I
wasn't a tomboy, though. I loved girly stuff, like putting on a dress on
and heels and going out to a nice dinner. But I never lost that side of
my personality from my father. I love the gym. I don't mind getting
dirty and I love competition. Competitiveness is a family inheritance,
you might say.
This mindset served me well after my accidents and back injuries.
It's funny. At the time of the wreck, I thought, "What terribly bad
luck." Now I think everything happens for a reason. I wouldn't be in the
gym, working out and lifting weights with such intensity if it hadn't
been for those car accidents.
I think the past enabled me to do well in the Challenge. When I
finally got everything dialed in, I was taking supplements, watching
what I ate, and looking at the content of my meals. When I finally got
everything in line, the weight came off. Now, I have the weight off, and
I have muscle mass!
Lightning Round!
I needed something to get me motivated, and there is nothing like a good competition to get me going.
No way! Having a pre-made program made the process so much more manageable. Also,
the stack
that was offered was perfect for my supplementation needs. I trained a
group of 30 people from my community while I was doing my
This was hugely motivating. I felt I needed to lead by example and
show them what they could achieve. Having friends work out with me—and
BodySpace members cheer me on—was exactly what I needed to keep myself
I also have a special person at home in Tommy Kron. Having someone
that close to me who goes to the gym makes it easier; you can't live in a
household that isn't living a fit life. One person can't do it without
the other.
Change? For sure. Done? Never!
Whatever I want. It's awesome! I still hit the gym almost every day. I
teach spin class on Tuesday mornings, which I love, and I believe there
is a new challenge coming soon.